Simon is One! | South Jersey Photographer | First Birthday Photos

What??? Simon is ONE???  I had documented Simon's entire first year and it's so hard to believe that year is up.  Paula and Scott, Simon's 'rents and I have been friends for a very long time.  I was so excited to hear they were expecting and even more excited when Paula asked me to take her maternity photos!  Without further adieu, I give you....Simon! #imnotababyimaman


We started off with some nice portraits in the white room.  I love this room!  It's so simple and versatile and completely different than the cake smash set up

After portraits, we move on to cake.  Paula chose a monster theme, which I quickly dubbed "Monster Mash".  I loved shooting on this green paper with the blues and greys! Simon's monster hat was a staple in all of his milestone photos.  This amazing cake was made by the fabulous Jen at Kids Cakes & Special Occasion Cakes.  With every cake smash, you'll get a custom set up like this with the theme of your choice and a custom cake! There are also gluten free and vegan cakes available for all those babes with allergies or other dietary needs!


I loved this little guy.

Ready to smash.

You mean I get to put my hands in cake, make a mess, and eat it???  You guys are hilarious.

Got his horn!

Now we're smashing!

Get in there, kid!

Ok, that's enough smashing for one day.  DONE!